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  • Do I Need SR22 in Oregon if My DUI was Reduced to Diversion?

    You may not need SR22 for a diversionWhen a driver is convicted of driving under the influence in Oregon for the first time, the Judge usually grants him the chance to go through a diversion program. A diversion program requires the driver to attend special classes that deal with the subject of operating an automobile while under the influence of alcohol and drugs.

    The hope is that the driver abstains from this behavior in the future and is given more or less a second chance. After completion of the program of attending classes, testimonials and panel discussions on the problems alcohol causes in one's life, in the household and the community, the Judge may then order the DMV to reduce the conviction to a less severe driving record entry.

    If the driver was not convicted for anything else that may require SR22, the conviction of diversion does not usually carry with it the requirement of filing an SR22. The driver may, however, be required to file an SR22 for a short period of time after a mandatory suspension period and before completion of the diversion course.

    Failure to complete all the requirements of the diversion process may lead to the charge being reverted back to a DUI and SR22 requirements re-instituted for the remainder of the three years. If you have been approved for the diversion program, be sure you complete all the requirements and turn in your completion certificate to the court and Oregon DMV, if necessary, so the proper charge will be reflected in your driving record.

  • When is a Nonowner Policy Required in Oregon?

    After Suspension for DUII

    At the time you are eligible to reinstate your drivers license following a conviction of driving under the influence, the DMV will require you begin providing an SR22 certificate for a period of usually three years. This is not the case if you have been granted a diversion program. Once the program is complete, the DMV may drop the SR22 requirement.

    Failure to Provide Proof

    Here we're not talking about a ticket. Every car registered in the State of Oregon must have proof of minimum liability insurance. The DMV is connected electronically to each of the auto insurance companies doing business in the state.