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- Written by: Doug Hartley
- Category: Coverages
- Hits: 3835
Oregon requires every registered vehicle carry auto insurance, parked, stored, broken down or in full use. If the tags are valid, the vehicle must be insured. But, if you need insurance because of some ticket or other infraction and you don't own a car, then you need to purchase a Non-Owner Policy. Some people refer to this type of insurance as "covering your license". Maybe that's true. It keeps your license from being suspended. But, it covers a lot more. It covers YOU. It also covers passengers riding with you in the car. Moreover, it covers the people in the other car if you injure them in an accident. And it covers the vehicle or property of others if you run into it.
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- Written by: Doug Hartley
- Category: Coverages
- Hits: 4104
Up until the mid-1990s a driver could purchase at type of insurance that covered just him while driving any car, owned or not. It was called a Broadform Policy. Oregon changed the law around that time to state that ever VEHICLE shall be insured by its owner. That law made the Broadform obsolete. It was a great way for someone who owned multiple older cars who only wanted or needed liability only to drive his choice of car for the day. Not anymore. If someone owns multiple cars they each must be named and insured on a policy. The days of a Broadform are over in Oregon...for now.
Adjacent states to Oregon still offer this type of policy. The danger is for those drivers coming across state lines in vehicles that are not individually insured. The driver could technically be cited for failure to carry auto insurance on Oregon roads for the vehicle being driven if the driver is carrying nothing more than Broadform coverage from his state. And, a citation for no insurance in the State of Oregon will get him an SR22 requirement for Oregon, even if he doesn't live here. Imagine the hassle of filing an SR22 certificate in a state other than where you are a resident!
Read more: Does an Oregon Non-Owner Policy Work the Same as a Broadform Policy?
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- Written by: Doug Hartley
- Category: Coverages
- Hits: 4245
A Named-Operator Policy auto insurance policy provides the same list of coverages as the Non-Owner Policy. It will pay for the injury the driver may cause to other pedestrians or passengers in another vehicle. Damage to the car or property of another is also covered on the Named-Operator Policy. Injury sustained by the driver listed under the Named-Operator Policy will be covered if someone hits him who is not insured. Also, if the driver sustains an injury in an automobile related accident, regardless of whose fault it is, his policy will pay medical and other related expenses. There are limits for each of these coverages and you should review the policy and coverages with an experience, licensed, and authorized insurance agent.
All of these coverages and the Named-Operator Policy are considered secondary coverages to the policy that covers the car. It is assumed that the owner of a Named-Operator Policy is borrowing a car or is being asked to drive someone around in a car that doesn't belong to the driver. It is then expected by law that the owner of the car has his own policy on it. That policy covering the car is expected to pay first. These policies are normally issued with an SR22.