- Details
- Written by: Doug Hartley
- Category: Owner-Operator
- Hits: 3921
Yes! The most common way to buy an auto insurance policy with SR22 is to insure a vehicle. Since an SR22 certificate is nothing more than proof to the DMV of Oregon that you have insurance, what better way to prove it is by covering your car. Most insurance companies will print and mail an SR22 certificate when you buy the insurance if you ask for it. We can speed up the process by faxing or emailing the certificate straight to the Oregon DMV SR22 Unit. Usually a minimal fee of $25 or a small percentage of the overall premium is charged to cover the additional cost the insurance company incurs for printing and mailing an SR22 certificate. And it is the responsibility of the company to inform the Oregon DMV if you let your insurance lapse or cancel. They then have to send what is called an SR26 notice which simply tells the DMV that the driver's policy has cancelled.
You may find a few insurance companies that don't allow SR22 certificates on the policies they issue. These companies are often referred to as preferred companies. Don't be fooled. You can be a preferred driver but find yourself in an awkward position of needing an SR22 certificate. You can take a deep breath if you find yourself in this situation. We have preferred companies who have no problem issuing an SR22 certificate for you. It is a myth and a misconception that SR22 translates to high risk. It does not. There are some unforeseen circumstances where you might think a car is insured and you get a no-insurance ticket. We can help.