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- Written by: Doug Hartley
- Category: Converting
- Hits: 3552
Oh my yes! If you have purchased a Non Owner Auto Insurance Policy from an insurance company in Oregon in almost every case you can convert your policy to an Owner Operator Policy or, in other words, a regular auto policy. Be careful though. There are two things you need to consider. Cost and convenience. Some companies will charge a lot more for the car owner policy. The prices will vary from car to car. Every car now has its price. The days of the one policy fits all are over. Sophisticated computer systems and statistical analysis allows insurance carriers to break down the cost of insurance by the actual model of car you have and its unique features. Also, consider convenience. Most companies will allow you to convert the policy by a simple endorsement or policy change. Others require you to cancel the Named Operator Policy and re-write a new one. This may cost you a new down payment and require you to complete a whole new application.
You should also shop around again for car insurance if you are switching from a Non Owner Policy to a regular auto insurance policy. Why? Because the Named Operator policy may have been the most economical you could find but may not necessarily be so when you convert to a car policy. If you buy your Non Owner Policy from us, we will re-run your quote with the car you are purchasing and advise you on the most economical way to go. Call or text us with as many VINs you need to until you find a car that fits your budge for both cost of the car and the insurance.